Monday, March 19, 2012

"Tunnel of Love"

Not far from the Ukrainian regional center Rivne there is a town known as Klevan. The main attraction of it is one of the most romantic places in the world called “The Tunnel of Love”. 

During the warm months of the year the trees planted next to each other form a fairy green tunnel along one kilometer long section of the railway.The tunnel is very popular among lovers who like to make a wish and kiss there. If the love is sincere, then the wish will come true. 

Stunningly beautiful place! 

Photos by Oleg Gordienko. 


Tribute to LV-WFN (MD-80 of Austral Airlines)

On 16th March 2012, Austral Lineas Aereas, retired the world's longest serving MD-80. Under the command of Capt. Jorge Albanese, LV-WFN flew from AEP to COR where she will be preserved for the time being.  

Since its entry in service with Austral Airlines on 1/11/81 until its last commercial flight on 2/2/12, she logged 70,444 hrs and 60,350 cycles, making her the longest serving and most flown MD-80 with uninterrupted service for the same airline. 

The aircraft did not suffer any incident of note during its tenure in the Argentina skies - its perfect safety record a tribute to the excellence of AR/AU engineering crews.

BTW: MD's are commonly referred to as "Mad Dogs" 

Picture courtesy: