Monday, March 19, 2012

Tribute to LV-WFN (MD-80 of Austral Airlines)

On 16th March 2012, Austral Lineas Aereas, retired the world's longest serving MD-80. Under the command of Capt. Jorge Albanese, LV-WFN flew from AEP to COR where she will be preserved for the time being.  

Since its entry in service with Austral Airlines on 1/11/81 until its last commercial flight on 2/2/12, she logged 70,444 hrs and 60,350 cycles, making her the longest serving and most flown MD-80 with uninterrupted service for the same airline. 

The aircraft did not suffer any incident of note during its tenure in the Argentina skies - its perfect safety record a tribute to the excellence of AR/AU engineering crews.

BTW: MD's are commonly referred to as "Mad Dogs" 

Picture courtesy:

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